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After spending over twenty years working in the field of education as a teacher, school administrator and a workshop leader for the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program, I decided that I wanted to change the route of not only my life, but also my career.

In the fall of 2017 my husband, children and I moved to California from the Midwest. Not only was this a move to a sunnier location, but also a move that unexpectedly opened a new and exciting path that would change my life..

In the Spring of 2017 I attended a workshop at the Omega Institute led by Ann Bradney called "Radical Aliveness". During the workshop I witnessed people who were experiencing emotional and physical distress begin to approach their problems using a unique method called somatic healing. It was at this workshop that I felt a calling to apply to the Institute of Radical Aliveness to further my understanding of the principles of this approach and eventually to become a Radical Aliveness Practitioner.


I stretched in every way possible.  I cried, I screamed, I was held, I ran, I sat in my shame,  I met deep wounds that I was not even aware that I had. They would spring up out of nowhere. They lay nestled deep inside of my body festering until I had a chance to meet those, often painful,  places in a safe container. I learned about somatic practices, life energy, systemic issues in our society and so much more.  I studied in a space in which people from all walks of life came together to deeply feel, search for answers and learn about themselves deeply.

The work of Radical Aliveness embodies five principles that guide my practice::

Knowing that I don't know

Cultivating a non-shaming heart and attitude

Honoring multiple perspectives

Saying yes to everything (even your no!)

Being willing to be changed


My desire is to hold a safe and welcoming space to support each individual's road to healing and in their quest to open their lives to all embrace the unknown, to face the fear, the shame, the grief and the guilt, as well as to experience the joy and aliveness that is possible in every life. I hope to encourage individuals to never, ever let trauma close their hearts to themselves and their circumstances. 

If you have any questions about somatic healing or about my practice please do not hesitate to reach out to me on my contact page. I look forward to meeting you!



My perfect imperfect family!

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